Brighten up your summer BBQ with an incredible coleslaw that’s equal parts tangy, crunchy, and creamy. This refreshing recipe combines eye-catching purple cabbage with shredded carrots and chunks of juicy pineapple for a perfect savory-sweet combo to complement whatever plant-based goodness you have cooking on the grill. The velvety tofu-based dressing delivers that traditional creamy coleslaw texture without the unhealthy mayonnaise or oil. And be sure to sprinkle just a touch of cayenne pepper into the dressing: A small pinch will make the other flavors really pop without adding much heat. Serve alongside veggie burgers, carrot dogs, or some simple whole grain crackers if you want a light and healthy lunch!

Tip: This coleslaw recipe can be made ahead, covered, and chilled up to 24 hours before serving.

For more healthy coleslaw recipes, check out these tasty ideas:

By Nancy Macklin, RDN,


  • 6 cups shredded red and/or green cabbage
  • 1 cup chopped fresh or canned juice-pack pineapple
  • ½ cup shredded carrot
  • ½ of a 12-oz. package light silken tofu
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon pure cane sugar
  • ⅛ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • ⅓ to ½ cup pineapple juice
  • Fresh parsley (optional)


  • In a large bowl toss together cabbage, pineapple, and carrot. For dressing, in a small blender or food processor combine tofu, lemon juice, sugar, and cayenne pepper. Cover and blend until smooth, gradually adding pineapple juice until dressing has thick syrup-like consistency.
  • Drizzle dressing over cabbage mixture; toss to coat. If desired, sprinkle with parsley.

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I’d really like to add this recipe to my Forks meal plan but cannot see how to do that.

Megan Edwards

Hi Judi, You can click the green "Add to Meal Planner" button just above the ingredient list and that should do it for you. We had a bug in the website that prevented that function from working for a day or two, but it's been resolved now. Let us know how you like the recipe!


replacement 4 tofu >? allergic

Megan Edwards

Hi Aj, You could use white beans in place of the tofu. They will still deliver a creamy texture but will be slightly less smooth since they are lower in fat than tofu, but it should still be tasty. Let us know how it goes!

About the Author

Headshot of Nancy Macklin

About the Author

Nancy Macklin, RDN

Nancy Macklin has a bachelor of science in dietetics from Iowa State University and a Master of Science in health services administration from the University of Saint Francis. Macklin worked as a hospital-based clinical dietitian, providing counseling for diabetes, heart disease, and weight loss and as a food service director in health care dining sites. She now serves as a test kitchen dietitian, developing 500+ recipes per year. She is a member of the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics and International Association of Culinary Professionals. Find her on LinkedIn.
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